
designing video game hardware in verilog

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Designing Video Game Hardware in Verilog

Published by Independently published, 2018

New Condition: New Soft cover

Bibliographic Details

Title: Designing Video Game Hardware in Verilog

Publisher: Independently published

Publication Date: 2018

Binding: Soft cover

Book Condition: New

About this title


This book attempts to capture the spirit of the ''Bronze Age'' of video games, when video games were designed as circuits, not as software. We'll delve into these circuits as they morph from Pong into programmable personal computers and game consoles. Instead of wire-wrap and breadboards, we'll use modern tools to approximate these old designs in a simulated environment from the comfort of our keyboards. At the end of this adventure, you should be well-equipped to begin exploring the world of FPGAs, and maybe even design your own game console. You'll use the IDE to write Verilog programs that represent digital circuits, and see your code run instantly in the browser.List of Chapters:Boolean LogicDiscrete HardwareClocks and Flip-FlopsHDL (Hardware Description Language)Intro to VerilogThe 8bitworkshop IDEA Simple Clock DividerA Binary CounterVideo Signal GeneratorA Test PatternDigitsScoreboardA Moving BallSlipping CounterRAMTile GraphicsSwitches and PaddlesSpritesBetter SpritesRacing GameSprite RotationMotion VectorsTank GameShift RegistersSound EffectsTilemap RenderingScanline Sprite RenderingThe ALU: Arithmetic Logic UnitA Simple CPUA Configurable AssemblerRacing Game With CPUA 16-bit CPUFramebuffer GraphicsA Programmable Game SystemA Demo ProgramPractical Considerations for Real HardwareFPGA ExamplesAppendix A: Verilog ReferenceAppendix B: Troubleshooting

"About this title" may belong to another edition of this title.

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designing video game hardware in verilog


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